- Become part of a friendly community of orienteers
- Get the member discount for entry to events
- Receive The Australian Orienteer Magazine (hard copy as well as soft copy)
- Receive ONSW Tuesday e-Bulletins to members
- Be part of the community through club communications (see below)
- Enjoy the opportunity to meet other orienteers casually while helping out at club events, or just sitting around together by the Uringa flag at other events
- Be included in invitations to club social events (usually but not always including orienteering)
- Take up the opportunity to learn more about orienteering – from improving your navigation to setting a course (workshops and training, informal coaching)
- Surplus funds from these events are used to support club activities, equipment, junior members participation in representative events and administration costs.
- Facebook: Club members are invited to join the club’s closed FaceBook group. The club also has a public presence on Facebook.
MailChimp: This is the primary communication channel in the club looking forward. Members receive emails at their nominated email address. Messages are sent out when there are orienteering or other social events, helpers are needed, input to decisions sought, and other matters. All club members are added to the club’s MailChimp contacts list; it is possible to self unsubscribe.
FaceBook: Club members are invited to join the club’s closed FaceBook group. It is recognised that some members prefer not to use FaceBook.
Blog: Uringa News is the ‘newsletter’ site reporting what has been happening in the club.
Community and social life
The club is a friendly group. The best way to get to know members when you join is to help out at events. At weekend events outside of Sydney a dinner location is usually arranged at a local club or restaurant on a ‘pay your own way’ basis.
We also normally enjoy one another’s company at social occasions once or twice a year: the Winter Dinner and the Christmas party .
Club shirts
Members can purchase as many club shirts as they wish. The first shirt for each member (especially juniors) is substantially subsidised. These shirts are obtained by bulk order, so all sizes are not always in hand.
Other equipment
Members may purchase SportIdent sticks from the Club Treasurer by arrangement. Cost depends on whether an older SI stick is exchanged or not. Please read about SI Sticks and other gear used in orienteering.
Orienteering events
Uringa organises several orienteering events each year. These include local events at various locations south of the Harbour, usually one MetrOLeague event each year, and one or more State League and/or Christmas Five Days events. State League and Christmas Five Days events are often done in collaboration with one or more other clubs.
These events could not go ahead without the volunteer efforts of club members. Some members have been doing it for decades, others are just learning some of the ropes. All members are encouraged to contribute.
Surplus funds from these events are used to support club activities, equipment and administration costs. (Note that clubs do not receive any of the annual ONSW membership fee. Those funds support Orienteering NSW and Orienteering Australia.)